Because If You’re like Many Struggling Coaches I know…
you may be asking: “Which niche do I choose from so many things I know and many people I can help?” Which of these sounds more like you?
“What’s my purpose and who am I meant to help?”
“Why choose? Can’t I help everyone?”
“Is there even room for me in this crowded market?”
“How am I different from those that do what I do?”
“What if I choose the wrong niche?”
I get it. All these questions are valid. Not knowing your niche can keep you stuck, watching others live your dream. Helping everyone means helping no one. And worrying about market saturation can paralyze you. But here’s the truth: there’s always a place for you if you’ve solved a problem for yourself or others, no matter how much competition may feel it is.
Are you ready to find your lane in the Clarity Niche Breakthrough, where competition, fear, and struggle no longer exist?
If you don’t get clear on your niche, you’ll remain unknown.
And being unknown keeps you from having the clients and money you deserve and desire.
Because have you seen any successful coach who isn’t known for something specific? No one becomes known by being a generalist.
Even Tony Robbins started with a niche. Over time, he expanded because the demand grew. The market may seem saturated, but nobody has your unique experience and expertise. You are powerful.
If you’re wondering what will make you the best in your field, I’m here to help. As a multi-award-winning brand expert, I’ve helped coaches worldwide clarify their niche. I can help you too.
Only by listening to their message, the way they communicate what they do, isn’t it? They use very specific words that are simple and clear that make you immediately understand them, right?
They have a great message around their niche.
In fact can you show me any leader in the industry that can’t communicate clearly what they do?
No! Right?
Having a crystal clear niche allowed them to communicate clearly and become thought leaders in their field. And this is possible for you too, no matter if you’re just starting out or tried to do this for a while and it didn’t work out YET.
So my question for you is:
are you not tired of trying to be a generalist trying to convince people to listen to you, struggling to get your message out, building an audience and finding those clients?
Isn’t it time to become known as the go-to expert in your field, so you have clients FIND you and get your message out with ease?
And if you said YES, now you may ask yourself…
“So what is my NICHE? My specialization, my target audience, my lane?”
“What am I meant to do?” I don’t even know what my purpose is anymore. What’s my mission?”
“Who am I meant to help? I tried this before, but where are my ideal clients?”
“I can help everyone. Why do I need to choose?”
“But the market is saturated. Is there even a place for me anymore in this online world?”
“There are so many doing what I do. How am I different from them?”
“What if I pick the wrong niche? Then I will lose time, energy creating something people don't want.”
Look, I get it. All these questions are valid.
Not knowing your mission can keep you from going out there and helping people. Wasting more time and energy behind the scenes looking at others from the sidelines how they are living your dream.
Having tried this before can keep you in the fear of…” how can this be different when I tried so many things, right?” Making the mistake of thinking that you may know enough. And actually missing out on that missing piece that you may not even be aware of that keeps you from the clients you want.
Trying to help everyone, ending up helping no one and feeling then resentful of giving so much of yourself for nothing. I don’t want that for you.
Being afraid of the market saturation and competition, trying to overcomplicate your niche or trying too hard to be different from fear that there is no more place in the market for you. Hint: There is.
If you’ve gone through an experience that you solved a problem for yourself or others before in your life, business, career, health, etc you do have a place in the market. We all have. Is just a matter of finding your lane.
There is no such thing as picking the wrong niche. An action is always more valuable than inaction. We can’t move a parked car. Isn’t it? But we can correct the lane when driving, right?
Are you ready to finally find your lane in the Clarity Niche Breakthrough, so that competition, fear, struggle no longer exist?
The Truth is that if you don’t get crystal clear on your niche and own your lane, you will remain unknown. And being unknown keeps you from having the clients and money you desire.
Because have you seen any successful coach who isn’t known for a specific thing? All of the coaches you look up to have become known because of a specific thing they teach to a specific group of people. Nobody has ever become known, by being a generalist. Right?
And I get it. We all have different interests, ideas and we want to help everyone.
But does everyone want our help?
Because people need to trust people to work with them. They need to see them as the best in their field. Even Tony Robbins started with a niche of helping a specific group of people to overcome phobias. That’s how he started and over time he expanded. Because the demand grew.
And I want this for you too.
Because no matter how saturated the market may feel, the reality is, nobody has the experience, energy and expertise that you have. Nobody is you. And that is powerful. You are powerful.
If you now wonder… but what will it make me best in my field?
Glad you asked because…
As a multi award winning brand expert with over 5+ #1 awards in my field, having helped coaches from over 10+ countries clarify their niche calling and so much more, I'm here to help you too.